Natural and organic products are becoming increasingly popular. We carry many natural and organic products including fertilizer and amendments, insecticides and fungicides, wildlife control, and garden seeds.
Espoma. One of the most recognized and recommended product lines in the retail lawn and garden industry. That is because Espoma has consistently given generations of gardeners superior results for over 75 years. Every ingredient in every product is the purest, finest grade obtainable. No sludges, hazardous or toxic materials are ever used. In addition, each product is manufactured in Espoma’s plant, under supervision, and held to strict quality control standards. Quality is guaranteed.
Organically Balanced Tones with Bio-tone® Microbes
- Holly-tone 4-3-4 (4, 8, 18, 36 and 50 lb)
- Plant-tone 5-3-3 (8, 36 and 50 lb)
- Garden-tone 3-4-4 (4 and 36 lb)
- Tomato-tone 3-4-6 (4 and 18 lb)
- Flower-tone 3-4-5 (4 and 18 lb)
- Rose-tone 4-3-2 (4, 8 and 18 lb)
- Bulb-tone 3-5-3 (4 and 18 lb)
- Tree-tone 6-3-2 (18 and 36 lb)
- Berry-tone 4-3-4 (4 lb)
- Iron-tone 2-0-3 (4 lb)
- Bio-tone® Starter 4-3-3 (4 and 25 lb)
Natural Amendments
- Alfalfa meal (4 & 50 lb)
- Azomite, granular (10 & 44 lb)
- Azomite, micronized (44 lb)
- Bat Guano (2 lb)
- Blood meal (2.75, 5 & 50 lb)
- Bone meal (4 & 20 lb)
- Chicken manure, dried / Nature’s Supreme (8 & 40 lb)
- Corn gluten meal (10 & 50 lb)
- Cottonseed meal (10 & 50 lb)
- Feather meal (50 lb)
- Fish emulsion (liquid concentrate)
- Fish meal (50 lb)
- Green sand (3 & 30 lb) Limited for 2023
- Gypsum / Ca sulfate (5 & 40 lb)
- Humic acid – Soil Activator / Leonardite (5 & 40 lb, liquid concentrate)
- Kelp meal (4 & 50 lb, liquid concentrate)
- K-Mag / 0-0-22 (10 & 50 lb)
- Lime, high-Ca, granular (50 lb)
- Lime, Dolomitic, pelletized (10 & 40 lb)
- Rock Phosphate, black granular (4 & 28 lb)
- Rock Phosphate, colloidal soft rock “CalPhos” (40 lb)
- Soybean meal (50 lb)
- Sulfate of potash / 0-0-50 (5 & 50 lb)
- Sulfur, 90% (4, 10 & 50 lb)
Natural Insecticides, Fungicide, and Herbicides
Whether your pest or plant disease problem occurs in your house, your vegetable garden, or your backyard, we at McGough’s understand our customers’ concerns with using chemicals and pesticides around children, pets, the foods we eat, or our water sources. To assist our customers in eliminating harmful, destructive, or just plain bothersome insects, diseases and weeds in an environmentally sound manner, we offer a broad range of organic and natural-based products.
Naturals & Organics
Thuricide Concentrate BT.
A natural, microbial insecticide for control of leaf chewing worms like tomato hornworms, cabbage looper, tent caterpillar, gypsy moth and others. For use on vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and shade trees. Non-toxic to humans, pets and beneficial insects. 32 oz RTU and 16 oz concentrate.
Insecticidal Soap
Safe for use on ornamental foliage plants, flowering plants, fruits and vegetables, nuts and berries. Kills aphids, mealy bugs, spider mites, and whiteflies. Can be used indoors and up to day of harvest. 16 oz concentrate.
Dipel 150 Dust BT Kurstaki .47%
A dust formulation containing bacteria (Bacillus Thuringiensis). A highly effective biological insecticide for imported cabbageworm, grape leaf folder, hornworm, and sod webworm. 4 lb bag.
Fruit Tree Spray Plus
OMRI Listed for organic gardening
- For organic control of insects, diseases, and mites, on vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, spices, roses, flowers, turfgrass, and shrubs around the home
- Broad-spectrum insecticide, fungicide and miticide
- Can be used up to day of harvest
Horticultural Vinegar
Organic and fast-acting, 20% horticultural vinegar is a non-selective weed and grass killer. Spray vegetation to the point of run-off during periods of active growth. Available in RTU qt and gal. 30% Multi-Use Vinegar concentrated also stocked.
Organic Control
Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew
Contains Spinosad .5% Controls the tough Colorado Potato Beetle larvae, as well as bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! For organic production. Available in 16 & 32 oz concentrates, 32 oz RTU & 1 lb dust.
All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil
Superior type Paraffinic oil that may be used as a growing season spray, dormant spray (no leaves), or delayed dormant (green tip) spray to control overwintering eggs of red spiders, scale insects, aphids, bud moths, leaf roller, red bug, codling moth, blister mites, galls, whitefly, mealy bugs, and other insects. Available in 16 oz & 1 gal concentrate.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Redlake. Feed grade. Made from the ground fossils of prehistoric fresh water diatoms. Non-toxic diatomaceous earth kills household and garden pests and insects and does not create resistance in pest populations. Available in 6 & 40 lb.
Neem Oil
Both fungicidal and insecticidal properties to control Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Spider Mites, Aphids, Whitefly, and more. Use on roses, houseplants, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit & nut trees and vegetables. Available in 32 oz RTU and 16 oz concentrate.
Copper Fungicide
Copper Octanoate controls early and late blight, leaf spots, downy mildew, anthracnose, rust, and other fungal diseases on vegetables, flowers, ornamentals and fruits. Won’t burn plants and approved for organic gardening. 32 oz RTU, 16 oz concentrate, and 1 lb dust.
Milky Spore
Milky Spore is a naturally occurring host specific bacterium. It targets and attacks the white grubs of Japanese Beetles. Milky Spore begins working upon application wherever grubs are feeding. Complete control can be achieved between 2-4 years. Once established in your lawn, Milky Spore can provide 15 to 20 years of grub control. 20 lb bag treats 7,000 square feet of coverage.
Kills snails and slugs with iron phosphate, a naturally occurring material. Organic – breaks down in safely used around domestic animals and wildlife. Labeled for use in vegetable gardens. SLUGGO remains effective after rainfall or sprinkling. Available in 1, 2.5, 10 & 40 lb. SLUGGO Plus adds the power of spinosad, a natural bacteria toxic to insects, to eliminate a wider range of harmful insects. Available in 1, 2.5, 5 lb.
Espoma Earth-tone® Pesticides
Espoma, recognized for quality and environmentally friendly fertilizers and amendments, offers effective solutions for disease and insect control. Products are labeled for safe use in flowers, vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals, and in most cases, can be used up to the day of harvest.
- Insect Control, 24 oz
- Copper Soap, 24 oz
- Insecticidal Soap, 24 oz